About Me

Enthusiastic in the field of Computer Science, likes to explore the vast world of Techs. Always ready to march ahead grabbing opportunities, learning from past mistakes and improving myself everyday. Highly adaptive and a friendly fellow.

  • Python
    Programming Language for competitive coding
  • Java
    Programming Language for developing apps
  • MySQL
    Designing Relational database system
  • HTML5/CSS3
    Frontend Designing for websites
  • NodeJS/Express
    Backend Programming for web servers
  • Blender
    Software for 3D modelling, shading and animation
  • 2023-27
    B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at MCKVIE, Liluah
  • 2021-23
    CBSE Class 10+2 at Aditya Academy Secondary, Barasat
  • 2019-2021
    CBSE Class 10 at Aditya Academy Secondary, Dum Dum
  • None
    Finding the path to excellence

My Services

Webpage Designing

Designing interactive web pages using React.js as frontend and NodeJS as backend

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App Development

Creating functional mobile applications using Android Studio and Java

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3D Modelling

Making real life structures and artifacts in a 3D modelling software like Blender

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My Work

Iris Classification WebApp

The popular Iris Classification ML project implemented on a webpage with React.js (frontend) and Python Flask (backend)

Movie Recommendation WebApp

Movie Recommendation System using Machine Learning model implemented as a WebApp with React.js (frontend) and Python Flask (backend)

More Coming Soon

There's no limit

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